GP-179 Схема "Batalphabet" Glendon Place фото Переглянути більше

GP-179 Схема "Batalphabet" Glendon Place


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Fabric: Stitched on 28 count “Ale” Cashel linen hand-dyed by Picture This Plus

Stitch Area: 180w X 303h

Stitch Count: 178w X 302h

Design Area: 12 5/8″w X 21 1/2″h

Materials Summary: Uses a total of 17 colors of Sullivans USA/Anchor/or DMC.

Specialty Stitches: An Algerian Eyelet stitch over 4 threads is used in the customization area at the bottom of the design. Detailed instructions on completing this stitch are provided in the chart. Chart also includes a complete alphabet for customizing your design.

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